The Undergraduate programme in Orthoptics confers qualification to the professional and autonomous practice of the profession of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technician, acknowledged in the Decrees-Law ...

The Undergraduate programme in Orthoptics confers qualification to the professional and autonomous practice of the profession of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technician, acknowledged in the Decrees-Law no. 564/99 of 21/12; no. 261/93 of 24/07 and no. 320/99 of 11/08, and the Order no. 3207/2012 of 03/12. It provides students with capacities to act ?in accordance with clinical advice, pre-diagnosis and research/identification of procedures, being responsible for the conception, planning, organization, application and assessment of work procedures within his area of activity, with the aim of promoting health, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and reinsertion? (DL no. 564/99 of 21/12, point 2 of art.3). The objectives of this study programme are defined in the Order no. 782/2009, of 23/07.

There are numerous areas of intervention in Orthoptics, such as: performing anatomical and physiological examinations of different ocular structures, with the aim of assessing eye function and nerve conduction of visual stimuli; executing, interpreting and implementing multiple techniques, not only in the domain of diagnosis but also in therapeutics, in the context of binocular vision and in the rehabilitation of visually impaired individuals, covering all age groups (from children to elderly people).



Acreditado por: 6 ano(s) em

Consultar relatórios em https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/ortoptica-1

725 Diagnostic and therapeutic Technology
Número: R/A-Cr50/2015
N.º Despacho/Portaria: 7057/2015 e 492/2017
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Anatomophysiology 1st Semester 5.5
Cell Biology and Histology 1st Semester 5.5
Biochemistry 1st Semester 4.5
Applied Physics 1st Semester 5.5
Introduction to the Profession 1st Semester 4.5
Information And Communication Technologies 1st Semester 4.5
Biostatistics 2st Semester 7.0
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2st Semester 5.5
Pathology 2st Semester 4.5
Psychology Of Communication And Interpersonal Relationships 2st Semester 5.5
Visual System 2st Semester 7.5
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Epidemiology and Public Health 1st Semester 4.5
Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1st Semester 4.5
Ocular Motility 1st Semester 4.0
Ophthalmology I 1st Semester 3.0
Orthoptics I 1st Semester 4.0
Physiological Optics 1st Semester 6.0
Perimitry 1st Semester 4.0
Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation I 2st Semester 4.0
Visual Processing Mechanisms I 2st Semester 6.0
Ophthalmology II 2st Semester 5.0
Optometry/Contactology 2st Semester 5.5
Orthoptics II 2st Semester 5.5
Psychophysics of Vision 2st Semester 4.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Clinical Cases 1st Semester 5.5
Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation I 1st Semester 4.0
Electrophysiology of the Visual System and Neuroimaging 1st Semester 4.0
Electrophysiology of the Visual System and Neuroimaging 1st Semester 4.0
Research in Orthoptics I 1st Semester 6.0
Visual Processing Mechanisms II 1st Semester 4.0
Anterior Segment Study Methods 1st Semester 4.0
Orthoptics III 1st Semester 4.0
Health Psychology 1st Semester 4.0
Clinical Cases 2st Semester 5.5
Clinical Cases 2st Semester 5.5
Internship I 2st Semester 4.0
Management And Entrepreneurship 2st Semester 5.5
Research in Orthoptics II 2st Semester 5.5
Posterior Segment Study Methods 2st Semester 7.0
Multidisciplinary Seminars 2st Semester 2.5
4º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Internship II 1st Semester 28.0
Research Project I 1st Semester 2.0
Internship III 2st Semester 28.0
Research Project II 2st Semester 2.0
The orthoptist integrates multidisciplinary teams, working in institutions of primary or differentiated healthcare (such as health centres and hospitals), public or private. In addition to this, he can also perform duties in Higher Education Institutions, occupying teaching and research positions. The programme enables the acquisition of competences in the field of eye care, and is on the same level of its European counterparts. Graduates will be able to exercise the profession within an European and global sphere.  

Application Grade (Minimum) 95 points   Tests for Admission 95 points   One of the following combinations: 02 Biology and Geology or 02 Biology and Geology + 07 Physics and Chemistry or 02 Biology and Geology + 16 Mathematics   Application Grade (Formula) High School Average Grade 50% Tests for Admission 50%   Prerequisites Medical Certificate Individual Health Survey   

A informação disponibilizada nesta página não dispensa a consulta do Website de acesso ao ensino superior do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior - http://www.dges.gov.pt/pt

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