Entrada > Education > COURSES > TESP > ESTG > Curso Técnico Superior Profissional em Gestão Industrial 4.0

Curso Técnico Superior Profissional em Gestão Industrial 4.0

345 - Gestão e administração
Número: R/Cr 17/2019
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Electronics and Automation for Industry Semester 6.0
Database Management Semester 5.0
Logistics and distribution management Semester 6.0
Introduction to Financial Accounting Semester 5.0
English for Management Semester 4.0
Portuguese and International Economy Semester 4.0
Programming Languages Semester 6.0
Applied mathematics Semester 6.0
Information Systems of Management Support Semester 4.0
Fundamentals of Management for Industry Semester 5.0
People Management 4.0 Semester 4.0
Modeling and Optimization Semester 5.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Practical Placement Semester 30.0
Introduction to Management Accounting Semester 6.0
Project Management Methodologies Semester 5.0
Notions of Business Analytics Semester 5.0
Design Thinking Semester 4.0
Quality, Environment and Safety Control and Management Semester 4.0
Industrial Robotics 4.0 Semester 6.0

Combined Shape
