Entrada > Education > COURSES > Degree > ESMAE > Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

Music Bachelor


Número: R/A -EF 780/2011
N.º Despacho/Portaria: DESPACHO Nº 10192/2020, Nº 206 DE 22 DE OUTUBRO DE 2020
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Musical Acoustics 1st Semester 2.0
Tonal Music Analysis I 1st Semester 3.0
Ear Training I 1st Semester 2.0
Instrument I 1st Semester 11.0
Historical Informed Performance I 1st Semester 3.0
World Music 1st Semester 2.0
Large Ensembles Practice I 1st Semester 5.0
Repertoire I 1st Semester 2.0
Optional Lute I (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Basso Continuo (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Jazz Choir (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Jazz Choir I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Renaissance Ensemble (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Vocal/Instrumental Ensemble I (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
Vocal Ensemble Introduction to Choral and Orchestra Conducting I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Structure and Vocal Projection (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
Music History in documents: The Baroque (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Classical Jazz History (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Improvisation (Renaissance) (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Alternative Option I (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
1st Semester 2.0
Performance Optimization (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Audio Production (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
1st Semester 3.5
Seminar I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
1st Semester 1.5
Optional Gamba Viola I (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Optional Baroque Violin I (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Tonal Music Analysis II 2st Semester 3.0
Ear Training II 2st Semester 2.0
Instrument II 2st Semester 11.0
Historical Informed Performance II 2st Semester 3.0
Large Ensembles Practice II 2st Semester 5.0
Repertoire II 2st Semester 2.0
Music Technology 2st Semester 2.0
Introduction to Music Conducting I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Legislation and Performing Arts (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Alternative Option II (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
FADO - INTERPRETATION AND CONCEPTS I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Applied Phonetics to Vocal Reportoire (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Music History in documents: The Classicism (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Optional Lute II (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
German I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
German II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Choir / Project I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Jazz Choir II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Culture, Ideology and Contemporaneity (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Dramaturgy of the Body (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Vocal Ensemble of Introduction to Choral and Orquestral Conducting (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Music History in documents: The Baroque (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Introduction to Arduino (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Renaissence Polyphony Practice (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
FELDENKRAIS METHOD II (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Functional Piano (elemetary level) (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Playful Health I (Music in the context of health institutions) (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Playful Health II (Music in the context of health institutions) (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Seminar II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Topics in The History Aesthetics of Cinema (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Optional Gamba Viola II (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola III (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola IV (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Baroque Violin II (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Baroque Violin III (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
German II (optional) Semestral 2.0
Choir / Project I (optional) Semestral 2.0
History of Contemporary Music II (optional) Semestral 2.0
DESCRI (optional) Semestral 2.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Tonal Music Analysis III 1st Semester 3.0
History of Culture I 1st Semester 2.0
Portuguese Music History 1st Semester 2.0
Instrument III 1st Semester 11.0
Historical Informed Performance III 1st Semester 3.0
Large Ensembles Practice III 1st Semester 5.0
Music Psychology 1st Semester 2.0
Analysis of the Romantic Style (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
Choir / Project I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
JAZZ CHOIR A (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Jazz Choir I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
History of Contemporary Music II (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Interpretation and Gesture (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Introduction to Choral and Instrumental Conducting I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
LOST & FOUND I - THE COUNTERPOINT LEXICON OF FRANCISCO DE SANTA MARIA (1532/38-1597) (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Feldenkrais Method I (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
Artistic Practice and Documentation (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
Vocal Instrumental Project I (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
Composition Techniques I (Till 1600) (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Topics in The History Aesthetics of Cinema (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Optional Gamba Viola I (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola III (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
JAZZ CHOIR C (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Aikido I (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
Seminar III (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Monastic Landscapes (optional) 1st Semester 6.0
Vocal Ensemble of Introduction to Choral and Orquestral Conducting (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Contemporary Music Analysis I 2st Semester 3.0
History of Culture II 2st Semester 2.0
History of Contemporary Music I 2st Semester 2.0
Instrument IV 2st Semester 11.0
Historical Informed Performance IV 2st Semester 3.0
Large Ensembles Practice IV 2st Semester 5.0
Aikido II (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Analysis of Jazz Standards (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Analysis of the Romantic Style (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
CHOIR PROJECT II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
History of Culture III (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
HISTORY OF CULTURE III_OP (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Music History in documents: The Classicism (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Modern Jazz History (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
History of Rock & Roll (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Theatre History I (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Introduction to Music Conducting I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Feldenkrais Method I (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
World Music II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Baroque Orchestra (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Musical Programming I (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Seminar IV (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Composition Techniques II (from 1600 to 1750) (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
THE BEATLES (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Optional Gamba Viola I (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola II (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola III (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
Optional Gamba Viola IV (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Contemporary Music Analysis II 1st Semester 3.0
Musical Aesthetics I 1st Semester 2.0
Instrument V 1st Semester 11.0
Historical Informed Performance V 1st Semester 3.0
Research in Music 1st Semester 2.0
Large Ensembles Practice V 1st Semester 5.0
Interpretation and Gesture (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
1st Semester 2.0
Artistic Practice and Documentation (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
Analysis of the Romantic Style (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
Introduction to Music Conducting I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Choir / Project I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
JAZZ CHOIR A (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Jazz Choir I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
CHOIR PROJECT III (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Vocal/Instrumental Ensemble I (optional) 1st Semester 3.0
Vocal Ensemble of Introduction to Choral and Orquestral Conducting (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Introduction to Choral and Instrumental Conducting I (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
BAROQUE OPERA LABORATORY_OP (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
BAROQUE OPERA LABORATORY_OP2 (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Feldenkrais Method I (optional) 1st Semester 1.5
1st Semester 3.0
Monastic Landscapes (optional) 1st Semester 6.0
1st Semester 1.0
1st Semester 1.0
1st Semester 1.0
Composition Techniques I (Till 1600) (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Topics in The History Aesthetics of Cinema (optional) 1st Semester 2.0
Optional Gamba Viola I (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Optional Gamba Viola III (optional) 1st Semester 1.0
Optionals (6769) (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Musical Aesthetics II 2st Semester 2.0
Career Development and Management 2st Semester 2.0
Instrument VI 2st Semester 12.0
Historical Informed Performance VI 2st Semester 3.0
Large Ensembles Practice VI 2st Semester 5.0
Audio Recording Practicum  2st Semester 2.0
Analysis of the Romantic Style (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
Vocal/Instrumental Ensemble II (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
History of Contemporary Music II (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Music History in documents: The Classicism (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Interpretation and Gesture (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Introduction to Orchestra and Choral Conducting (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
LOST & FOUND I - THE COUNTERPOINT LEXICON OF FRANCISCO DE SANTA MARIA (1532/38-1597) (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
2st Semester 3.0
Orchestration I (Strings) (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Monastic Landscapes (optional) 2st Semester 6.0
Artistic Practice and Documentation (optional) 2st Semester 1.5
Vocal Instrumental Project I (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
Score Reduction I (optional) 2st Semester 2.0
Composition Techniques I (Till 1600) (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Composition Techniques IV (from 1900 to 1945) (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Optional Gamba Viola I (optional) 2st Semester 1.0
OPTIONAL GAMBA VIOLA V (optional) 2st Semester 3.0
BAROQUE OPERA LABORATORY_OP (optional) Semestral 2.0

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