Home > Education > COURSES > Degree > ESMAE


School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time


Acting provides the development of diversified skills of interpretation, voice, and movement with a view to their application in character construction, and in the application of improvisation ...

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Bachelor of Music

Music Bachelor

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time


Costume Design embodies clothing concepts oriented towards the various performing arts. With training dedicated to theatre, it allows contact with other disciplinary areas such as cinema, television, ...

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Licenciatura em Música

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Licenciatura em Música

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Licenciatura em Música

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Licenciatura em Música

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Licenciatura em Música

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes


The Light and Sound areas are the protagonists of the materialization of lighting and sound concepts oriented to the various performing arts. In addition to theatre, this course enables contact with ...

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time


Scenography aims at conception and materialization of scenic concepts and devices oriented to the various performing arts. Focused on theatre, the training enables contact with cinema, television, ...

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time


Stage Management and Production collaborates with all other areas to build up the show and its function is to organize the theatrical collective and to plan the production of the show. Specifically ...

School: esmae
Degree: degree
Studies scheme: Full-time

Theatre - Costume Design

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Theatre - Light And Sound

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Theatre - Scenography

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Theatre - Stage Management And Production

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes

Theatre ¿ Acting

School: esmae
Degree: Degrees
Studies scheme: daytime-classes
Combined Shape
