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Students’ Unions

Students’ Unions are open channels for communication, sharing and working, all vital concepts to P.PORTO’s mission.

Since it was founded in 1985, P.PORTO’s students have organised themselves in associations as the result of the coordination of wills and t teamwork.

These associations or organisms known as Students’ Unions (AE’s – Associações de Estudantes) play a vital role representing and defending students’ rights in the Schools’ management.

Students’ Unions let student concerns be heard and encourage student participation in the construction and implementation of the adopted institutional policies.

Apart from representation, student associations are also involved in various other areas, such as providing services (stationery, photocopying, etc.), organising scientific, cultural, sports and recreational activities.

P.Porto Students’ Unions are affiliated to the Porto Academic Federation (FAP - Federação Académica do Porto), a platform for all higher education student associations in Porto.

Porto SCHOOl of engineering

Daniel Magalhães | | www.aeisep.pt

Porto accounting and business school

João Cruz | | www.aeiscap.com

school of education

João Ribeiro | | www.facebook.com/AEESEP

School of music and performing arts

Liliyana Toma | | www.facebook.com/aeesmae 

School of management and technology

Hugo Leal | aeestgf@estgf.ipp.pt | www.facebook.com/ae.estgf

School of health

Jacinta Mendonça | www.aeestsp.pt

school of hospitality and tourism

João da Silva Campos | aeesht@esht.ipp.pt | www.facebook.com/AE-ESHT

school of media artes and design 

António Correia | aeesmad@esmad.ipp.pt www.facebook.com/AE-ESMAD

Combined Shape
