Home > Education > COURSES > Undergraduate Degrees > ESE > Foreign Languages and Cultures

Foreign Languages and Cultures

Accredited for: 6 years year(s) in

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

222 - Línguas e literaturas estrangeiras
Number: R/A-Ef 755/2011/AL01
No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho n.º 8950/2016
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
English B2.2 Summer Semester
Spanish A2 Summer Semester
Description and Functioning of the English Language Summer Semester
French A2 Summer Semester
English Literature Summer Semester
English B2.1 Winter Semester
Spanish A1 Winter Semester
English Culture Winter Semester
French A1 Winter Semester
Cultural Matrices in English in the Media Winter Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
English C1.2 Summer Semester
Option 6 - French Literature Summer Semester
Option 6 - Spanish Literature Summer Semester
Option 5 - Spanish B1.2 Summer Semester
Option 5 - Fench B1.2 Summer Semester
Optional 7 - Language Teaching and Learning in Formal and Non-Formal Contexts Summer Semester
Optional 7 - Mother Tongue - Foreign Language: Acquisition and Learning Summer Semester
Optional 7 - Education, Society and Development Summer Semester
Literatures and Cultures in English I Summer Semester
Option 1 - French B1.1 Winter Semester
Option 1 - Spanish B1.1 Winter Semester
English C1.1 Winter Semester
Option 2 - Description and Functioning of the Spanish Language Winter Semester
Option 2 - Description and Functioning of the French Language Winter Semester
Option 3 - French Culture Winter Semester
Option 3 - Spanish Culture Winter Semester
Option 4 - English for Professional Purposes Winter Semester
Option 4 - Spanish for Professional Purposes Winter Semester
Option 4 - French for Professional Purposes Winter Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Project/Internship Annual
Optional 10 - French C1 Summer Semester
Optional 10 - Spanish C1 Summer Semester
Optional 11 - Translation Practice II (Portuguese/Spanish and Spanish/Portuguese) Summer Semester
Optional 11 - Translation Practice II (Portuguese/French and French/Portuguese) Summer Semester
English C2.2 Summer Semester
Optional 9 - Literatures and Cultures in Spanish Winter Semester
Optional 9 - Literatures and Cultures in English II Winter Semester
Optional 9 - Literatures and Cultures in French Winter Semester
English C2.1 Winter Semester
Translation Practice I (Portuguese/English and English/Portuguese) Winter Semester
Optional 8 - French B2 Winter Semester
Optional 8 - Spanish B2 Winter Semester

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