Home > Education > COURSES > Degree > ISCAP > Licenciatura em Recursos Humanos

Licenciatura em Recursos Humanos

Accredited for: 6 years year(s) in

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

Number: R/A-Ef 778/2011/AL03
No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho nº 8356/2019 (2ª Série)
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Introduction to Economy 1st Semester 4.0
Desenvolvimento Individual e Interpessoal 1st Semester 4.0
Introduction to Human Resources 1st Semester 6.0
Fundamentos de Tecnologias de Informação 1st Semester 4.0
Trabalho e Profissões 1st Semester 4.0
Introduction to Social Science 1st Semester 4.0
HR and Organizational Management 1st Semester 4.0
Project Seminar I / Workplacement I 2nd Semester 6.0
Introduction to Law 2nd Semester 4.0
HR and Labour Market Economics 2nd Semester 4.0
Psychology 2nd Semester 4.0
Organizational Models and Strategies 2nd Semester 4.0
HR Management Integrated Models 2nd Semester 4.0
Fundamentos da Gestão Individual de Carreiras 2nd Semester 4.0
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Labour Law I 1st Semester 4.0
Data Collection in HR 1st Semester 6.0
Recrutamento, Seleção e Desvinculação 1st Semester 4.0
Training Design and Management 1st Semester 4.0
Administrative Management of HR 1st Semester 4.0
Políticas de Qualificação e Emprego 1st Semester 4.0
Planeamento do Trabalho e Gestão de Carreiras 1st Semester 4.0
Data Treatment and Presentation in HR 2nd Semester 4.0
Project Seminar II / Workplacement II 2nd Semester 6.0
Recursos Humanos e Saúde Ocupacional 2nd Semester 4.0
Gestão Financeira Aplicada Aos Rh 2nd Semester 4.0
Políticas e Sistemas de Recompensas 2nd Semester 4.0
HR and Social Economics 2nd Semester 4.0
Performance Management 2nd Semester 4.0
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Labour Law II 1st Semester 2.0
Relações Laborais 1st Semester 2.0
Desenvolvimento e Intervenção Comportamental 1st Semester 4.0
Methods for Diagnosis and Development of HR 1st Semester 4.0
Information Systems for HRM 1st Semester 4.0
Elective 1 - Management of Social Networks 1st Semester 4.0
Elective 1 - Organizational Communication in HR Management 1st Semester 4.0
Elective 1 - Inglês Aplicado Aos Recursos Humanos 1st Semester 4.0
Empregabilidade e Transições Profissionais 2nd Semester 4.0
Ferramentas dos Processos de Gestão de Rh 2nd Semester 4.0
Professional Ethics in HR 2nd Semester 2.0
Consultoria em Recursos Humanos 2nd Semester 2.0
Pedagogical Methods and Training Techniques 2nd Semester 4.0
Elective 2 - Direito do Trabalho Europeu 2nd Semester 4.0
Elective 2 - Liderança e Desenvolvimento Organizacional 2nd Semester 4.0
Elective 2 - Fundamentals of Digital Marketing 2nd Semester 4.0
Project Seminar III / Workplacement III Annual 20.0

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