523 Electronics and automation
Número: T206
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Algorithm and Programming 1st Semester 5.0
Physics 1st Semester 6.0
Technical English 1st Semester 2.0
Mathematics 1st Semester 8.0
Theory of Electricity 1st Semester 7.0
Algebra 2st Semester 6.0
Circuit Analysis and Instrumentation 2st Semester 7.0
Computer Applications 2st Semester 6.0
Electronics 2st Semester 6.0
Digital systems 2st Semester 7.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Automation 1st Semester 7.0
Industrial Control 1st Semester 5.0
Converters & Industrial Equipment 1st Semester 6.0
Electrical machines 1st Semester 7.0
Robotics 1st Semester 5.0
Work-related training 2st Semester 30.0

Combined Shape
