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Privacy Policy of the Polytechnic of Porto

P.PORTO's Privacy Policy was defined on July 30, 2018 by Order P.PORTO/P-074/2018, accessible on this page. Below is a full transcription of the established Privacy Policy, translated from its original version.


The Privacy Policy consists of the Data Protection Policy, a public document, and the Acceptable Use of Technologies of Information and Communications Policy, an internal document, only accessible to registered users.


1- P.PORTO respects the right to privacy and does not collect any personal data without the explicit, positive and informed consent of the user;

2- All personal data whose collection is consented will be treated with the security and confidentiality guarantees legally required;

3- The user, when sending any information through the P.PORTO websites, declares and guarantees that he has the powers and capacity to do so. As the Internet, by definition, is an open space, P.PORTO advises the user to not submit personal and/or confidential information, since, for all that goes beyond the P.PORTO universe, it is not possible to ensure appropriate security and confidentiality measures;

4- Being social networks, as part of the current reality, a privileged means for personal and institutional communication, it is important to state that communications carried out through these channels are not, in any situation, responsibility of P.PORTO, being the sole responsibility of its promoters.


1- The pages made available on the internet by P.PORTO may register cookies, defining its scope of use and also the accesses made;

2- Cookies are generated by P.PORTO's internet access systems and registered in the system used by visitors to access P.PORTO's internet pages. They are only readable by P.PORTO’s system that generated them and by the system used by the visitor;

3- Cookies have a validity period that does not exceed 30 (thirty) days except for registered users where, for control and security reasons, there is a cookie that never expires and whose purpose is to alert the user of an access with their credentials from a new device or browser;

4- Visitors who do not wish to receive cookies may configure their browser to notify them whenever a website intends to store a cookie or disable all cookies. For more information about this configuration, go to the help page of the browser you are using. Please note that deactivating or rejecting cookies may result in the inability to access some of the existing functions;

5- For all access to P.PORTO internet pages, technical information relating to visits is recorded on its servers, namely the visitor's IP (Internet Protocol) address, the type of browser used, the date and time (timestamp) of the visit and the page or pages viewed. This information is used exclusively for statistical purposes, being destroyed after 30 (thirty) days, except if the registered IP addresses are internal to P.PORTO.


P.PORTO is a public Higher Education Institution that assumes itself as a socially responsible community that seeks excellence in the training of citizens with high professional, scientific, technical and artistic skills, in a wide diversity of qualification profiles, in the development of research and applied transfer of technology and knowledge, in the creation and dissemination of culture and in the commitment to the sustainable development of the region in which it operates, within an international reference framework. In this sense, P.PORTO's operating model ensures:

1- Strict respect for observing the privacy of its users in compliance with existing legislation on the matter and in particular Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as RGPD);

2- The right to privacy and protection of personal data by its holders, citizens, hereby ensuring that, for any and all personal data entrusted to them, the holder is informed of the purpose and objective of the processing, authorizing it explicitly and positively. Except the processing of data that does not require the consent of its holder, as provided for in article 6 of the RGPD;

3- To fulfill this right, procedures are defined to exercise in a legitimate and informed manner the assigned ARCO rights provided for in the RGPD, of access (15th), of rectification (16th), of cancellation (17th), of opposition (21st), as well as the right to portability of personal data (20th);

4- P.PORTO makes known to all of its users, whether registered (academic community) or not (citizens in general), the rules of privacy and processing of personal data that it collects and processes, in a lawful, fair, transparent manner, which minimizes, in complete and unequivocal compliance with and respect for applicable legislation;

5- As the data controller, P.PORTO guarantees and certifies that it complies with and executes all appropriate and effective technical, organizational and procedural measures, in compliance with the principles listed in the RGPD, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purpose of the processing. It also guarantees and certifies the adoption of technical and organizational measures to deal with the risks of failures in this processing;

6- In accordance with the governance model established by the RGPD, P.PORTO appointed, under the terms of article 37, a Data Protection Officer.


P.PORTO websites normally have a public area and a reserved area for internal P.PORTO users.

1- The public area has two distinct objectives:
a) The Institutional promotion of P.PORTO;
b) Application for or registration in courses taught at P.PORTO

2- On the pages relating to institutional promotion, no personal data is requested from the visitor, who can navigate throughout the entire area with P.PORTO's guarantee and commitment that no personal data is collected. However, data relating to the geographic area in which the visitor operates is collected, for statistical purposes and analysis of training aimed at market niches;

3- On the pages relating to the application or enrollment in a course taught at P.PORTO, user registration is required, and the mandatory data, publicly disclosed through the competition notice and/or regulations, is processed. As a rule, and except in special situations, the following data is mandatory: name; nationality; E-mail address; identification document number; tax information number;

4- The data referred to in the previous number are permanently monitored to ensure that only authorized users access them;

5- For the reserved area, data is collected to allow the audit of the access of registered users, as well as who accesses them, thus monitoring attempts at improper access;

6- P.PORTO respects the right to privacy of its entire population, not collecting any personal information unless this is mandatory by legal requirement. Any other personal information that does not meet a legal requirement will not be collected without the informed and explicit consent of users;

7- Any and all personal data mentioned in the previous number is treated with the guarantee of security and confidentiality required by the RGPD, duly aligned with the applicable Portuguese legislation.


1- P.PORTO recognizes and ensures the right of citizens to the protection of their personal data, disclosing the possible collection of such data, as well as the purpose of this collection, the processing to which they are subject, the rights of holders of personal data and how to exercise them, in accordance with the RGPD, in particular article 15;

2- In this context and bearing in mind that the pursuit of these goals depends on the combination of user responsibility, safe processes, and appropriate technologies, under the provisions of article 24 nr. 2 of the RGPD, P.PORTO has an Acceptable Use of Technologies of Information and Communications Policy applied exclusively to users registered in P.PORTO's internal systems and available to these users on the P.PORTO Portal.

Order P.PORTO/P-074/2018 (Portuguese)

P.PORTO Privacy Policy (Portuguese)

Combined Shape
