Single Portal @ P.PORTO

Reference: POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022073

Key Typology
Digitalisation and or delivery of public services in an integrated and totally dematerialized way

Secondary Typologies

  • Development and integration of systems and technological infrastructures to support new service models;
  • Process reengineering, simplification and dematerialization;
  • Mechanisms to ensure interoperability between the various public administration information systems, through integration into iAP and within the implementation of the only once rule;
  • Integrated ICT rationalization initiatives in public administration.


The operation was the subject of a SAMA2020 application to notice 02 / SAMA / 2016, with code POCI-02-0550-FEDER-022073, with a total investment of 1,996,543.10 €, which has been fully accepted as eligible for funding, and corresponding ERDF incentive of 1,697,061.64 €.

The sole beneficiary of the operation is the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, in the district of Porto, with 100% of the expenses incurred at NUTS II - Norte.

The project has as its main objectives and priorities: reduce context costs by increasing the availability and promoting the use of public administration network services and improving their efficiency.

In addition, the operation applies for the national strategy for modernization and administrative simplification, namely for the Simplex+ 2016 program, considering the following principles:

  • User principle of public goods and services - operations must consider the actual needs of a broad universe of people and businesses;
  • Concentration at a single point of contact principle - using the one-stop shop to centralize interactions with public services, taking advantage of the integration of related schemes and procedures;
  • Principle of collaboration between different ministries and with different levels of administration and information sharing between public entities - include cross-cutting operations, fostering collaboration between the services / bodies of different Ministries, and between different levels of administration, as well as sharing information rather than asking citizens or businesses for the same information more than once;
  • Open Administration Principle - Reuse public information or data, without damaging the protection of personal data or copyright protection;
  • Principle of interoperability and utilization of existing information systems - use, if available, existing hardware and software, even under different supervision (such as servers, storage, cloud, among others); adopt, whenever possible, free software; ensure independence of maintenance and redesign of systems, as well as ensure interoperability with existing systems such as the Citizen Card (as a means of authentication), the Citizen Portal, the Entrepreneur Desk, the Public Administration Interoperability Platform ( including SMS gateway and Payments Platform), among other relevant systems.

In this context, the operation is developed under the following main areas and projects:

Co-financed by:

Combined Shape
